St Brycedale Surgery has expanded its methods of communicating with patients to include the use of email and text messaging.

This may include using emails to provide updates on new developments at the practice, and the use of text messaging to send patients reminders about the details of their next appointment.

We may also use this to contact you to advise if you are due a blood test, blood pressure check, influenza vaccination etc.

If we are unable to contact you by telephoning then we may use this facility to ask you to get in touch with us.

Your contact details will be used solely in relation to healthcare services offered by the practice, and you can choose to opt out of the services at any time by contacting reception.

Please note that no personal information would be sent within a text, but the text would state that it is from the practice.

Patient Privacy is important to us, and for us to communicate with you regarding any activities that may be of interest we need your consent.

If you would like to sign up for any of these services please complete the Email & Text Consent form and hand it in to reception.

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